Marketers must ensure their apps are not only found and downloaded but kept, too
Mobile apps are used as marketing tools by many brands, but they need to be marketed themselves in order for app users to find and then download them. Not only must the price be right, having a right marketing channel that effectively connects Mobile apps to users plays a crucial role in helping them decide which apps to download.
May 2011 research from MTV Networks found that recommendations from people they know and user reviews or recommendations were nearly tied as the top factor in discovering a new entertainment app for purchase or free download. The most effective pier to pier recommendation is still SMS. In Q4 of 2010, Canadians sent 16.4 billion person to person text messages.
When deciding to download a free entertainment app, mobile app users said the app store ratings were most important (50%), followed by personal recommendations from a trusted friend (43%). For paid apps, price was the leading factor (63%), with the availability of a lite version to try for free enticing 49% to download.
Once an app is discovered and downloaded, the question turns to whether users will keep that app loaded on their smartphones. Nearly eight in 10 respondents to the MTV Networks survey said they “often” swapped out old apps when they found new ones that better served the same purpose, so apps are always in danger of being replaced.
Even favorite apps, some used frequently, are often abandoned after a few months. Just 11% of users kept their favorite TV or movie app for at least a year, and only 17% kept their favorite gaming app that long. It was more likely in both categories for apps to wear out their welcomes in less than a month.
The survey indicated that ease of use, updated content and a pleasant look and feel were in demand for TV and movie apps, while gamers wanted a challenge and good gameplay.
Marketers must push out their apps to potential users, not rely on simple presence in an app store—even in a “featured” area—to bring in downloads. Using one of cell phone's most basic functions like SMS to market their apps make it easy to bridge the gap. Many brands boost app success by sending text links of free App download, surveys or other similar incentives when app users opt-in via a Short Code. That means not only the app experience must be solid and its function valuable to the consumer, finding ways to keep downloaders interested and engaged longer are also important for the brands.
More information can be found on MODI$club for you learn more about using SMS marketing to boost brands and app success. Or contact a representative at MODI$club for further discussion.
Reference Source: eMarketer