Friday, May 3, 2013

Mobile Apps and Privacy: What You Should Know

Anyone who has a smartphone is likely familiar with mobile applications (aka “mobile apps”).  Mobile apps are software applications designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.  The use of mobile apps has increased exponentially over the last few years bringing the number of individuals using mobile apps to almost half of all smartphone users. Given the fast evolution of the mobile industry privacy concerns have been, in some cases, overlooked by app developers and technology companies.

Privacy Concerns Related to Mobile Apps
Last year the Pew Internet Center, a Washington based nonpartisan fact tank, conducted a study entitled Privacy and Data Management on Mobile Devices. The study revealed that the majority of smartphone users are concerned with how their personal data is collected, used and disclosed through mobile apps. It was revealed that in 2012 57% of all app users have either uninstalled an app due to concerns with respect to sharing personal information or have refused to install an app altogether for similar reasons. This indicates that protection of personal information and privacy is a very real concern for smartphone users.
 Shift from Mobile Apps to Mobile Site
Privacy concerns are clearly something that cannot be ignored by app developers or app users. Given the fast evolution of the mobile industry app developers must remain vigilant when it comes to protecting user privacy. Users should also be aware of what personal information they are disclosing and providing when downloading and using apps and how this information is being used and distributed. Perhaps this could be a catalyst for the shift in user preference from mobile apps to mobile sites? 
To assist companies and brands with the decisions on mobile app versus mobile site development, MODI$club has listed some pros and cons between the two options - 
Contact MODI$club for more information before investing your money in your next mobile development.